проекты technovation в узбекистане
Проекты наших команд в сезоне 2017-2018
Смотрим Pitch Video, Demo Video и бизнес-планы всех команд Technovation Uzbekistan
После 4-х месяцев работы, мы рады представить ВСЕ проекты наших 29-х команд.

24 команд Senior Division (15-18 лет)
5 команд Junior Division (10-15 лет)
в том числе, 2 команды из регионов: из Ургенча и Карши.

Для каждого проекта представлена ссылка на Pitch Video команды, Demo Video приложения, и бизнес-план (для старших групп). Проекты опубликованы по алфавиту.

Обновлено: полуфиналисты глобального конкурса, от Узбекистана, Senior-команды: Brilliant Ideas, Droplet, Technomama, и Junior-команды Generation Z, Matrix, Milky Way

!!! Команда Generation Z, впервые для Узбекистана, прошла в мировой финал и в августе-2018 представляла свой проект в Кремниевой Долине (США).
Это был отличный сезон, поздравляем все команды!
Отчетный ролик о сезоне Technovation Uzbekistan 2018
Проекты команд Junior Division
Команда Generation Z
Historical trait of people of Central Asia is that women spend more time on house chores, whereas men are concentrated on their career.

This problem still exists in our society, and parents, consciously or mostly unconsciously, are the main creators of this inequality in early stage of children's education, when they delegate house chores mostly to daughters.

ELIST will be a viable solution to this problem and parents can learn more about gender disbalance in our story section. The main functionality of our app is that it equally and randomly distributes household tasks between children, REGARDLESS OF THEIR GENDER.

Thus, our app decreases the housework gender gap in families in Uzbekistan and even improves relationship between siblings! ELIST – Your Gender Equalizer!

Менторы команды: Чарос Шавкатова, Муаззамхон Юсупова.
IT-менторы: Достонхон Озодхужаев и Миркамол Хамидов

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/yG4o5abBWYs
Команда IT Girls Uz
Speak app helps nonverbal children with autism and ICP to communicate in Russian and in Uzbek with the help of pictures

Менторы команды: Kimberly Carlotti и Nargiza Mukhtorova

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/7h4JDX_v85Y
Команда Matrix
Via iCare app:

• Parents can create and keep track of their children's schedule for every day;
• Parents can see the current location of their children on the map;
• Parents receive notification when their children's location is changed;
• Child can see their brothers and sisters' location and schedule;

Менторы команды: Мадина Саидова, Дархонбек Маматалиев и Муслимбек Абдуганиев

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/-NIrXO-wiWM
Команда Milky Way
Teach.me is an application which helps schools to find teachers.

In Uzbekistan one of the problems of lack of teachers in the schools is that there is no any platform matching the school with potential teachers. The responsibility to find a teacher seats with a director of the school whose professional network is limited to acquaintances, colleagues or relatives.

Teach.me is a platform that builds a "bridge" between the school and the teachers. Using Teach.me, teachers can place their e-resume easily and look for vacancies in the schools, and vise versa school director can place a vacancy and search for teachers. It's a simple tool which make the process of finding teachers quick and efficient. Ultimately, with Teach.me children in Uzbekistan will never miss any important subjects!

Менторы команды: Вероника Ким, Захро Содикова, Валерий Эм

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/VRnifw2K_2Y
Команда The best forever
Our chance4u app can help solve one of the global problems - ecology

Менторы команды: Ummatoy Yuldosheva и Saodat Sadirbaeva

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/g8lbJU06mEY
Проекты команд Senior Division:
2 проекта из регионов
Команда Diamond (Карши)
People in Uzbekistan tend to forget our unique national music instruments. Our goal is to preserve our ancient traditions and heritage, by making an app with all instruments (how they look and how they sound).

App' target audience — both population of Uzbekistan and tourists.

Команда сформирована из учащихся и преподавателей Каршинского филиала Ташкентского Университета Информационных Технологий.

Менторы команды: Ситора Ахматова и Шахзода Махмудова

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7A63Zb9mw0
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/7jWZJqFz3VnHhH
Команда Techno.mir (Ургенч)

Vaccine is a mobile application for Android, designed to address one of the important social problems of Khorazm region: vaccination of newborn kids.

We will provide relevant information to parents of newborn children about the time and plan of vaccination, and help doctors to monitor families with newborn children. Also our application will contain all information about vaccination, their side effects and instructions for preventing complications.

Команда сформирована из учащихся и преподавателей Ургенчского филиала Ташкентского Университета Информационных Технологий.

Ментор команды: Sevara Polvonova

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/VBX7huXcsdg
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/98U1-qdB3VnJFL
Команды Senior Division из Ташкента
Команда 3MSK
Our app ishTOPish is created to solve a problem of unemployment.

We decided to put such functions like: online location, points for employees/employers. And do a life of people, who are searching a job, better))))

Менторы команды: Муборак Эргашева и Севинч Туляганова

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/Yk93KfJ5POY
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/QES1BpI73VnKQ6
Команда AimY
According to the World Health Organization there are 16.5% of children and 46.5% of adults in Uzbekistan who suffer from being overweight.

KeepFit app helps people to lose weight and to keep their motivation because many people when they decide to lose weight they often give up.We offer our users special discounts at local clothing stores. The more users lose weight and achieve goals –more discounts they get.

Our app contains various options of easy workouts,helpful and healthy diets, calories calculator, pedometer and so more.We are very happy that famous bodybuilder in Uzbekistan, Sergey Monarkh Cymbalov helped us with choosing balanced food (developed for any age) and easy physical activities.

Ментор команды: Лилия Ачилова

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/WLBR5RZ3Uc8
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/_z_9n0pL3VnKt4
Команда Asian Guests

Sudolife is innovative and convenient mobile app only for deaf people, which was designed to create happier and friendly atmosphere.

In this application users can share their thoughts and achievements and claim themselves. Here, there is a chat screen where they can communicate with each other by the way of chatting and video calling. Also there are SOS buttons, alphabet and dictionary which are helpful for their daily life.

Ментор команды: Гульноза Мухаммадбаева

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/qeAOFnnqCnc
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/IdthE5zI3VnLTv
Команда Brainel's
According to statistics approximately 162 people have been experiencing the gas leakage in their lives in Tashkent annually. People have damaged their health & lost their lives. The bursts from gas leakage occur because people cannot meet safety standards on time.

We developed our application, TakeCare, which helps people prevent gas leakage accidents. Our application is connected to gas leakage detector, detector notifies you about accumulation of gas in room, the message comes to your phone & by opening the app, you can shut gas feeding at the same time opening the window for ventilation by pushing the button. App notifies payment statistics as well.

Менторы команды: Ойша Юсубалиева, Эльдор Рузиев

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKTqVAnSJzQ
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/0O_BrCX63VnMTm
Команда Brilliant ideas

In Uzbekistan, every year 2000 children are born with the diagnose of Down Syndrome. Attitude of society towards them is adverse. Parents do not know what to do and to whom address. Our application -"SunChild" helps these parents. It is directed to the early childhood development of both special and ordinary children.

The essence of application is Ages and Stages questionnaire that eases for parents to evaluate basic skills of a child. Our application provides the contacts of specialists to meet health care needs of children too. The language of our application is connected to the language of the phone (if it is in English,app's language is English). Additionally, a user who enters multimedia section automatically connects to our channel in YouTube .

Менторы команды: Дилобар Жураева, Жамшид Султонов

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/mj5pWHwfed0
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/51yme_X83VnMw2
Команда Cute Tigers

Ucare app helps anyone interested in volunteering to contribute to our local community. We use gamification techniques to involve people in spending time with benefits. With Ucare you can collect bonuses and get discounts on going to the movies, vouchers for supermarkets and stores.

Many people in Uzbekistan are willing to do something, but they're unsure what to do or where to begin. Our app is bridging this gap using mobile technology. Become a part of global with Ucare!

Менторы команды: Лазиза Саидова, Сардор Алланазаров, Жасур Хакимов

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiRy2fH80q8
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/HKBwu5ij3VnNcL
Команда Droplet
In majority of schools in Uzbekistan one of the big problems is the agglomeration of plastic bottles. Our PET-game application will help schools to reduce number of bottles, and provide a raw material for companies which produce plastic.

We have created a PET-game for school children project. The aim of the game is to inspire schoolchildren to collect PET bottles. Our project includes hardware: press for compressing the bottles. Gamification techniques are used to motivate schoolchildren and classes to participate.

Ментор команды: Наталия Шулепина

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/0WRrnvWmz2Y
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/EgiY3zN33VnP8c
Команда ENIGMA

Based on the statistics for 2016-2017 in the mountains of Uzbekistan got injured 465 people of whom 273 died, to avoid this we offer TrailWatch app.

There are ready-made paths created by the community of hikers and travel enthusiasts in the app. Save the paths you have traversed or which you found interesting, also you can create a new path or choose one from the provided list.

Mark the time of departure and arrival, in case you do not mark your progress and check-in at trail points at the specified time, the selected people from your contact list will be immediately notified that something is probably happening to you.

Менторы команды: Ирода Гиясова, Лазиза Саидова, Алим Хаджиев

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/mdxzJWgRKcc
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/HwYZH9y43VnPc9
Команда Geek Girls(UZB)
Our company provides online services in the form of Pharmacy mobile application to help people find and get the information about pharmacies and medicines. Through our program users can find out drugs in definite chemists.

There will be clear information about this pharmacy and where it is located. You also will be able to contact them and ask everything you are interested in and even order any medicine to home.

Менторы команды: Марине Бакунц, Рано Собирова, Азизбек Матчанов

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/3DhWeBY8v6c
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/OMpjQqdu3VnPrP
Команда Haha.h

Our application's name is e-CITY, which is acronym of "electronic – Citizens Involved Techno Yard".
Destination of e-CITY is to establish a tie between folk and government.

e-CITY enables an individual to inform authorities about existing problem and to propose actions to improve neighborhood.

Meanwhile, authorities acquire necessary information and know where to concentrate on.
Public voting and clear visual interpretation (map&list) are features of e-CITY.
In prospect our application will be added with artificial intelligence for processing big data.

Ментор команды: Ситора Салаева

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKd0n2kmwy0
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/pTF0gQPk3VnQzQ
Команда IKteam
How much do you know about first aid? Can you help your loved ones in dangerous situations?

Our application will teach you how you can provide first aid.

Ментор команды: Mukhammadyor Joraev

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/wB3OmkprCcc
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/esTvSC653VnRXR
Команда Mind power
GreenMarket app is an online store of natural vegetables and fruits from little farmers growing their food with love and care

Ментор команды: Озода Кабилова

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/5EL9mQs33fk
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/u7Ij-aql3VnS3j
Команда My Med App
MyMedApp is an innovative decision to solve problem with paper-based health records. Application gives access to your health record 24/7. Innovation of our idea is that people will create themselves their online health record and manage access to it.

This application – safes your time, money and changes your health care experience. It is useful because:
1. You can create your profile with health record yourself, and manage what information to keep and whom give an access.
2. Your health history will be always online and you will be able to access it 24/7.
3. Your health safety will be easier and better with our application.

Ментор команды: Хилола Сулейманова. IT-ментор: Севара Ахбаева

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/UDD6oVK9eIA
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/yOf5WEIY3VnSSb
Команда New Generation Team (NGT)
30% of the population in Uzbekistan is young people and only 20% of them are engaged in sports, it is important to involve young people in sports for the upbringing of healthy generation and our app helps in it.

SportCode mobile app is developed by New Generation Team to help young people to find acceptable sport facilities nearby home, coaches and plan own trainings and monitor own sport progress

Менторы команды: Евгения Рахимова, Нора Рахимова

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YrgwkTB1T0&t=31s
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/lHuTUn5c3VnT2y
Команда Phenomenon
SMILE is the charity application that allows families to have enough material and financial support and make comfortable life-style.

The app will work with internet connection, it will display 4 sections (clothes, medicine products,school assets, furniture) the consumer could choose one of them.

There are two potential users:
1. Donator Profile - the charity organization, government representatives, people who have excess of good or the goods that they are planning to get rid off
2. Beneficiary Profile - families in need

Ментор команды: Виктория Турсунова

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/DPqEUISyZdw
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/kGYJ49pt3VnTZE
Команда Skyward
Veneeco is an app which serves as a platform connecting citizens and recycling companies in terms of eliminating rubbish in the streets in order to safe our environment from further pollution

Менторы команды: Шаходат Бердиева, Зебо Пулатова и Насиба Лутфуллаева

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/d5VAVVVPPpo
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/ro-keqoU3VnU2M
Команда SMASH
We all have dreams, we want to explore the world. Sometimes we couldn't take care of our parents.
It does not matter where we are, in another country, we always want to care about our parents.

Just imagine that there are 3 million pensioners in our country. Every 10th adult person needs care and support.
Besides this, there are a lot of our citizens who live abroad.

To solve all these problems, we developed a convenient MyBills mobile application that allows you to monitor your payments, track how much and where you last paid, do not waste time sorting a bunch of papers, pay your parent's bills no matter where you are. Quick registration, convenient and easy. Take care no matter where you are.

Ментор команды: Дилафруз Жийранова

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grh3GupkjXg
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/-EnHMeVu3VnUXx
Команда TechnoBlinK
Campaign is the first crowdfunding platform for Uzbekistan.

The idea is to create a social project that won't just help to people, but will help dozens of other social projects to develop and will make social entrepreneurship a regular phenomenon in Uzbekistan.

Менторы команды: Чарос Абдукаюмова, Эльбек Бахромов, Хиндол Кадыров

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/NgTDofkEgnw
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/JSjuheOU3VnVBG
TezMed is free Android & iOS application, which allows users:
- to call for first-aid ambulance by a simple click on a button;
- contact local polyclinics;
- find additional information about hospitals and clinics.

- disabled people (deaf-mutes) are able to call for an ambulance for themselves;
- tourists will have a free access to first-aid services;
- easy to use due to the fact that application will functionate in English, Russian and Uzbek languages.

Ментор команды: Татьяна Даурова.
Волонтеры ТУИТ: Xalil Baxtiyorov, Zoirjon Umarov, Ulug'bek Ismatov

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/4XqR8NW8scc
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/gBWPtHrh3VnVeV
Команда Technomama
Black Letter app allows its users to search for necessary textbooks and to take from the person, who has these books, for a certain period of time and then give them back after reading it.

Also, there will be donation set, where people can donate their books.

Менторы команды: Наталья Юсупова, Малика Рустамова.

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpMdosA8y5o
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/XIipQSoS3VnWaJ
Команда Techno nya
SaveMe is unique application which mainly serves as a bridge between governmental emergency services (ambulance, police and etc) and society.

With the help of our app personnel of emergency service can easily find exact location of the user by entering his phone number and simultaneously displaying it on the map.

Moreover, it is also helpful in Emergency situations as quick access in unexpected emergency situations(sudden health problems, attacks or accidents ).

Менторы команды: Камола Акрамова, Гульшода Омонтошева, Жасур Шукуров

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/DC7oZU6K-LY
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/wat7sTi93VnX45
FamBudg - app, where you can control and calculate with your family all your financial actions.

You can add your credits and debts. Extra feature is that there you can register all your family members and save warranty card from your purchases.

Also our app have Organizer function,there you can add your future expenses(it will help you to plan your budget)

Менторы команды: Мила Мун и Ольга Лим

Демо-видео, с описанием работы приложения: https://youtu.be/nsoBGM9ccu0
Бизнес-план команды: https://yadi.sk/i/1zf1Ft4F3VnYP8
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